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​Level Design Production

Platform: PC
Duration: 14 Weeks
Tools: Unreal Engine 5, Niagara, Blueprints
Role: Technical Artist, VFX Artist
Weekly Development Blog: QuestMakers
Project Overview: 
QuestMakers is a seven-person team working on a level design production project that focuses on creating a fun and playable AAA quality third-person action-adventure game level following an industry-driven process and pipeline under the guidance of a subject matter expert from the industry

In the project, I primarily completed the following tasks:
Ice Attack: 
Ice attack was the player's primary attack method, and it was divided into projectile attack,   basic attack and AOE attack.
屏幕截图 2024-08-06 204732.png
屏幕截图 2024-08-06 204847.png
屏幕截图 2024-08-06 204922.png
屏幕截图 2024-08-06 204812.png

Assets List

projectile attack_compressed.gif

Projectile Attack


Projectile Explosion

base attack_compressed.gif

Basic Attack

AOE attack_compressed.gif

AOE Attack

Ice material.png
Ice model.png

Ice Material

Magic Portal: 
序列 01_6.gif
Given that the world was set in an ocean civilization, I incorporated water elements into the portals and utilized a particle system while striving to keep performance costs low.
Real-time Water Interaction: 
Water was a prominent element in our game. To create a more immersive experience and strengthen the player's connection to the world, I decided to implement interactive water effects.
At the player's location, I used a scene capture camera to render the wave source, and stored the wave height information in a Render Target to simulate the propagation of waves in real-time. Details can be found in this page.
deep water.gif

​Deep Water

shallow water.gif

Shallow Water



Skybox Material: 
​In the game setting, the player explored ancient ruins in the sea, enveloped by a magical shield. Based on this context, I simulated the effect of waves in the skybox material and added many glowing sparkles. Additionally, the skybox was designed to integrate with another major game feature, Vision Change, taking into account its appearance in darkness to create a mysterious and profound effect.
Skybox Material.png
Skybox Material2.png

Skybox Material


Skybox in Scene


Skybox switching to Dark Mode

Waterfall Material: 
Additionally, I created a waterfall material to enhance the realism of the scene.
Waterfall Material.png

Waterfall Material

Waterfall in Scene

Copyright © 2024 Tianyi Lin 

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